A PERFORMANCE by opera singers Rachel Dyson and Karl Reiff at Kirleatham's Almshouses tomorrow follows a sell-out concert by pianist Adam Skoumal last weekend.

A packed house listened to the prize-winning pianist, from Prague, who played a varied programme, including Beethoven's Moonlight Son-ata, a Nocturne by Chopin and four romantic pieces that he composed himself.

"It is not often a classical concert venue can claim a hundred per cent sell-out audience," said Peter Sotheran, concert organiser at the Kirkleatham Almshouses, near Redcar, east Cleveland.

Tickets for tomorrow's concert, which starts at 7.30pm, cost £10 and are available by calling (01287) 632225 and can be paid for by credit card, or they can be bought at the door. To check last-minute availability, call (01642) 471662.

Proceeds are used to subsidise the 328-year-old charitable almshouses.

Published: 23/07/2004