Durham mayor Mary Hawgood is backing a charity that helps people who have to endure pain throughout their lives.

Coun Hawgood accepted £500 from the Freemasons of Durham on Tuesday on behalf of Campain.

The money will be used to set up a helpline and produce a booklet advising people how they can ease their suffering.

Coun Hawgood has suffered agonising back pain for many years and uses a wheelchair or buggy for civic engagements.

"We are very grateful for this donation because it means people will be able to call us and we can let them know if there is anything we can do to help," she said

Campain Durham meets bimonthly at county hall. The next meeting is the AGM on Tuesday, September 14, from 7pm until 9pm.

For details call (0191) 386 3407 or (0191) 386 4395.