A MAN who has combined his hobby with fundraising for charity for the last 25 years had an appointment with the Queen last week.

Mike Aslin, 65, of Wainstones Close, Great Ayton, has entertained thousands of children at fetes and shows all over Teesside with his portable miniature railway.

He gives all the money he makes in fares for rides to various charities and worthy causes.

He and his wife, Rita, were invited to attend a royal garden party at Buckingham Palace in recognition of his charity work.

Mr Aslin said: "It was an absolutely wonderful day and I felt very touched by the invitation.

"There must have been between 1,000 and 2,000 people there, and it was heartening to see that there must be an enormous amount of worthwhile work, enterprise and achievement going on throughout the nation."

* See story page