Around 450 emergency staff in the North-East today called off industrial action.

The workforce at North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust, which includes paramedics and other front-line staff, were in dispute over meal breaks.

The industrial action included an overtime ban and refusal to cover events, but stopped short of strike action.

Health union Unison said the industrial action was called off after it agreed with the trust's management to accept the findings of an independent arbitrator.

The row follows months of negotiations on a new pay structure within the NHS, which would see the trust no longer pay for meal breaks but still require staff to be available for work.

Liz Twist, the union's regional head of health, said: ''We will be meeting with the arbitrator on July 27 and the decision is expected up to three weeks after that.

''Now we have signed the arbitration document the industrial action will be withdrawn.''

Ray McDermott, Unison branch secretary for the North East Ambulance Service, added: ''We have had good industrial relations with the North East Ambulance Service since 1999.

''It is a shame that this should break down over one small item. We are hopeful of a positive outcome.''

The North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust covers the whole of the North East region and employs 1,350 workers.