AN attacker kicked to death and strangled a paedophile pensioner because he 'deserved it,' a court was told this week.

Arnold Hartley, who had served a jail sentence for sex attacks on children, was already a regular target for vigilante attacks when Adrian Brown is alleged to have kicked his way into his home.

Mr Brown punched the 73-year-old off his chair before repeatedly stamping on his face and head during the drunken attack, Newcastle Crown Court was told.

Even as a friend tried to drag the defendant away, it was said, he continued to stamp on the pensioner's head, shouting: "He deserved it. He's a paedophile. He deserves everything he gets."

Mr Brown, who had been drinking heavily, later warned two witnesses to the attack to keep quiet or there would be broken necks, the court heard.

Only days after the killing, it was alleged that Mr Brown boasted to a friend: "He got what he deserves and all paedophiles should suffer the same. They all deserve it, they want putting down."

Mr Brown, of Station Road, Redcar, denies murder and causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Paul Sloan, prosecuting, said that Mr Hartley's home in Queen Street, Redcar, had been regularly vandalised after his release from prison.

The court heard that on the night of the attack, Mr Brown had been drinking with friends. He then had a row with his girlfriend and was walking a 16-year-old girl to a flat where she was staying for the night.

Suddenly, it was alleged, he decided to attack Mr Hartley, whose home they passed on the way.

The 16-year-old, who cannot be namned for legal reasons, told jurors that Mr Brown went inside the house, followed by Thomas Croft, 42, who was with Mr Brown, and then she heard someone shouting for help.

She said that she saw Mr Hartley on the floor with Mr Brown standing over him. When asked by Paul Sloan QC, prosecuting, if Mr Brown was doing anything she replied: "Yes, he was stamping on the man's face."

Mr Sloan asked her how many times she saw him do that and she replied: "About five times. It was like sharp, one after the other.

"I said pack it in because you are going to kill him. I shouted it twice. I said he was dead and Adi (Adrian Brown) turned around and said 'he isn't'."

The teenager said she could see blood on Mr Hartley's face and that Mr Croft had also tried to pull Mr Brown off his victim, but he continued to stamp on him regardless.

The trial continues.