A PLAN for more flats to be built at Eaglescliffe has prompted concern about traffic and the possibility of congestion and accidents.

Egglescliffe Parish Council considered an application for a two-storey extension to provide additional flats and six new parking spaces at 15 Station Road, Eaglescliffe.

The betting shop on the ground floor of the premises would remain.

The parish council chairman, Coun Sue Ireland, said: "I think the street scene would be improved by the development, but I'm concerned about parking and the traffic. The area is getting congested.

"I'm concerned about the parking on the yellow lines along there. There have been one or two near-misses."

Coun John Walker said the junction of Swinburne Road and Station Road was dangerous and that the development would add to the problems.

Coun Ann Cooper said: "The top-storey window of the flats would be overlooking the first house in Swinburne Road.

"We are also getting a lot of heavy goods vehicles driving down there and they are having to backtrack because they cannot turn round anywhere."

Coun Harry Alderton disagreed, and said he felt that new development in Station Road was long overdue.

Coun Maureen Rigg said: "The betting shop has been there for a long time and they are keeping it because it's in a commercial area. I don't think there will be anymore traffic generated there with the flats than there is now."

The council decided to comment against the application on the grounds of road safety with regards to the extra parking and traffic and because the flats would overlook property.