A PHOTOGRAPHY graduate is spending her summer among the nation's artistic treasures, working as a steward in the Queen's Gallery.

Vicky Simpson, who lives near Brompton, Northallerton, graduated last Friday with an MA Hons in photography from the University of Sunderland, and for the past few weeks has been working in the gallery and the Royal Mews.

Miss Simpson, 21, said: "I saw the job advertised in the newspaper and thought 'Why not?'"

Vicky, who was a pupil at Polam Hall School in Darlington, used to work in the Village Inn pub in Brompton. She spends her time in the gallery meeting visitors and answering questions they have about the displays.

She said: "Working in the Queen's Gallery is fantastic, it's an amazing feeling to work alongside these arts and treasures that are essentially priceless."

While working at the gallery, Vicky has run into Margaret Thatcher, who was on a special breakfast visit.

Vicky will be working at the palace until the end of October, and in August her job will include time at Clarence House, the official residence of Prince Charles.

After that, Vicky, whose photography work was chosen for exhibit at the Biscuit Factory gallery in Newcastle this summer, is planning to return to the North-East to look for a job as a photographer.