Neighbours and friends have spoken of their shock at a "callous" attack on an 83-year-old, for no apparent reason.

Lilian McTomney, who is believed to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, is being treated for a broken nose and other facial injuries following the assault which, police believe, happened at her home in Harton, South Shields.

Mrs McTomney was attacked by a man after a night out at The Old Ship Inn, on Monday, July 12.

She left the pub at about 10.30pm to go to her home, but returned for help at about 12.25am.

Photographer Paul Cook, who rents a shop from her, said: "Mrs McTomney is a lovely woman. She wouldn't hurt anybody.

"It is awful, what has happened."

Staff at a nearby hairdressers, who regularly spoke to the pensioner, were also upset at the attack.

One worker, who did not wish to be named, said: "Mrs McTomney is just so friendly. She would talk to anybody. She was very lonely and she used to go to the pub for company."

Detective Superintendent Tony Thornton said: "We are carrying out further inquiries into the circumstances.

"A forensic examination of the woman's house is under way."

Police have appealed for a young man who was dropped off by a taxi at the bus stop near the pub, between 11.10pm and 11.30pm, to come forward. They also want anyone with information on his identity to contact them.

The man is described as slim, 6ft tall and with short dark hair. He was wearing dark clothing.

Anyone with information is asked to contact 0191-454 7555 ext 65962.