COUNCIL chiefs believe changes to its pre-school provision in Newton Aycliffe will lead to a better service for parents.

Great Aycliffe Town Council has decided to close pre-school groups at Elmfield School and St Clare's Church, and accommodate pupils at Woodham Burn Infant School.

The Agnew Community Centre pre-school group will also move to Woodham Community Centre.

The move, which will take place in September, is the first phase in the council's plan to transfer as much as the provision as possible to a school setting.

Woodham Burn provides breakfast club and after-school facilities. The council's intention is to use the facility for pre-school learning for up to 40 three and four-year-olds, from 9am to 3.15pm.

Town clerk Michael Rice said: "We have had a good response to the proposed setting at Woodham Burn Infants.

"We think it will be a better service overall, more flexible for the parents wanting to take morning or afternoon settings, and it will complement the provision already in there.

"We want to emphasise that we won't be losing any places. In fact, there will be an increased number of places."

The moves leave the council with six pre-school locations. The others are St Mary's School, St Oswald's Park, Moore Lane Park and Aycliffe Village Hall. These are also under review.

Mr Rice said: "We are talking with headteachers in the town to try to do similar things with our other settings, and that is the next phase of the review. We do see this as the future. There will be fewer settings, but enhanced provision."