A MARKET town has been impressed by the honesty and generosity of drivers.

Earlier this year, the parish council at Masham, near Ripon, installed honesty parking boxes, suggesting a 50p fee to park on the Market Place.

The contributions have amazed the council and been praised by chairman Councillor John Gill.

Council members decided to introduce the boxes to help meet a £10,000 bill for a second resurfacing phase of the western section of the square.

An earlier repairs scheme at the eastern end, near the parish church, cost the council £8,000.

Coun Gill said: "We just could not believe it when we went to empty the honesty boxes. At first, we could not get the box opened because there was so much money inside.

"And then the money just cascaded out and not just 50ps. There were pound coins and £2 coins."

The boxes have proved so popular that they are emptied daily for security reasons.

Coun Gill said the income from the drivers, plus rent from market stalls, has helped the parish council to become self-funding.

Now it can award grants to local charities and does not have to impose a precept on top of the Harrogate Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council tax.