A SMOKING ban came into force at one of the region's largest indoor shopping centres yesterday.

Eldon Square in Newcastle city centre barred smokers after successfully lobbying the city council and Government for a bylaw.

It followed recent research that proved 77 per cent of shoppers wanted a smoke-free retail environment, up from 58pc in 2001.

Susan Nicol, centre manager, said: "We have seen attitudes on smoking change in recent years as more non-smokers are becoming aware of their rights.

"We have been receiving an increasing number of comments from the public regarding smoking in the malls and we are delighted that we are able to offer shoppers a cleaner, fresh air environment to shop in."

Both Newcastle Primary Care Trust and the city council have welcomed the move as the first step towards making Newcastle a smoke-free city centre.

Eldon Square staff are being encouraged to use the ban as an opportunity to give up smoking and the Newcastle Stop Smoking Service has been working with them since the beginning of the year.

Service manager Judy Loggie said: "Smoking restrictions can be instrumental in motivating smokers to stop."

The service offers smokers nicotine replacement therapy and support, from the shopping centre's Boots the Chemist and Superdrug. For further details, contact 0191-219 5111.