DARLINGTON manager David Hodgson believes former Liverpool teammate Graeme Souness is the right man to turn Newcastle United's ailing fortunes around.

While many greeted yesterday's appointment with bewilderment, Hodgson insists Souness has the right personality and one which will get the best out of Newcastle's big name stars.

The pair were part of the all-conquering Liverpool squad which won the European Cup in 1984 and Hodgson said: "There is nobody else in the game who has a bigger persona and I think that is what you need at Newcastle United.

"Graeme has strength and character, which is why Newcastle have probably turned to him. He has the ability to stamp authority on the football club.

"He's got his work cut out up there and I think he needs an instant response from the players first and foremost.

"Once you're offered an opportunity like that you just don't turn it down and it's a challenge Graeme will strive to succeed in."

And while the Tyneside jury will remain out on Souness for some time yet, Hodgson believes the ex-Blackburn boss will win the doubters over.

"If you show your commitment towards the club then the fans will get behind you," said Hodgson.

"He's a genuine guy and I'm sure the fans will respect him for that."

Quakers' midfielder Neil Maddison played under Souness at Southampton seven years ago and believes the Scotsman will be a hit on Tyneside.

"There have been a few eyebrows raised but I think the Newcastle fans will like him," said Maddison.

"It's a job he will look at as a great career move and I'm sure he will be going there to win trophies."

Maddison made 23 appearances during Souness' one-year spell on the south coast and he added: "Graeme has built a reputation as a no-nonsense manager but he's also very fair.

"I worked with him for a year and if you give him what he wants you will get on fine with him.

"He's not afraid to speak his mind and I think as a player that's what you need.

"Newcastle have some top class players but I'm sure he will treat everyone the same and get the best out of them."

Maddison has also been quick to make comparison's with Souness' managerial approach and that of current manager, Hodgson.

"I think they are very similar people who are both very passionate about the game," said Maddison. "They want the best and they want everything done properly.

"In my career they are the two best managers I have played under.

"I've stood and watched Graeme have arguments with other players if they weren't up to his standard. I always gave my best for him and we always got on well with each other.

"I think the Newcastle lads will like him and I would be very surprised if he doesn't get the best out of them."

Blackburn goalkeeper Brad Friedel wished his old manager good luck in his new job at Newcastle - as long as it does not hamper Rovers' chance of success.

The America international has backed his old boss but remains focused on the task in hand at Blackburn, where Tony Parkes has been named caretaker manager.

"Everyone thinks he is a big, hard, man, but they won't see that up there," he said.

"He's more mellow and quiet than he used to be. But he will mould the team into the team he wants it to be."

"I wish him the best of luck winning trophies. I hope not though because that would be one less we can win."

Turning his attention to the now vacant managerial position in Lancashire, Friedel said: "We'll see who comes in and do our best for that manager. I don't care who it is as long as it is an ambitious manager and a good manager."

Ex-Liverpool boss Roy Evans, part of the coaching set up at Anfield under Souness, said: "It's a massive job because Newcastle have been there or thereabouts for a number of years now and haven't taken that step forward.

"They need to do that now I think."

He added: "Graeme's very passionate.

"He still plays five-a-side. He loves football and nothing will keep him away from that.

"If he can get the players to have the same belief to win football matches and be successful then Newcastle will be onto a sure winner."

Read more about Newcastle United here.