THE wildlife of Durham, and the efforts to conserve it, will be featured in an exhibition on Saturday in the town hall.

The event, called Wildlife On Your Doorstep and organised by the city council, will bring together action groups and environmentalists such as David Bellamy.

It will include displays on the council's biodiversity programme, which aims to help re-establish flora and fauna lost over the years, by changing the way it does things such as grass cutting.

Work done by Durham County Council will also be highlighted, in a range of projects including its school grounds exercise, named Wildspace, its countryside ranger service, its parish paths initiative and work in the mineral valleys of Teesdale and Weardale.

Durham University will bring displays from its botanic gardens to the event, including tarantulas, scorpions, stick insects and fruit beetles.

Among the other organisations taking part will be the Durham Wildlife Trust, the Durham Beekeepers Association - which will be putting a hive of bees on display - the Durham Bat Group and the Durham Bird Group.

Professor Bellamy will spend part of the day with the exhibitors.

Exhibition co-ordinator and deputy council leader Grenville Holland said: "The range and variety of presentations in the town hall on Saturday is exceptional.

"I think this is the first time that that so many groups have come together under the same roof, and they will provide a fascinating insight into the wildlife around us and how they can be protected and sustained through our own increased awareness."

The exhibition starts at 10am and admision is free.