CHILDREN with a perfect school attendance record are to be rewarded with a visit to St James' Park.

Durham County Council hopes to find all children in the county with a 100 per cent attendance record in their final year at primary school for a presentation, which will include a trip to the home of Newcastle United and a presentation dinner with their families.

Keith Mitchell, the county's director of education, said: "Over the past four years, we have invited Year 11 pupils with 100 per cent attendance records throughout their secondary education to join our special 100 Club and now we feel it is time to recognise the achievement of younger pupils.

"Young children are particularly prone to childhood illnesses so it is a remarkable achievement not to miss, even half a day at school.

"We would like parents who think their son or daughter has a 100 per cent record to contact their school immediately and we will also be checking with schools to see who might qualify for the inaugural award.