WORKS by one of the country's most renowned watercolorists have gone on show.

Paul Hogarth, who died in 2001, was regarded as one of the greatest illustrators and graphic artists of modern times.

Now, with the support of his widow, Diane, the National Trust is celebrating his work at Nunnington hall, near Helmsley, North Yorkshire.

As well as original watercolours and lithographs, it includes some of his personal belongings, including art equipment he used.

The exhibition includes a number of works he undertook for the trust in the mid-90s when he was commissioned to paint watercolours of some of the charity's most popular sites.

Over the years, Mr Hogarth collaborated with a number of leading writers, including Doris Lessing, Brendan Behan, Graham Greene, Sir John Betjeman, Robert Graves and Lawrence Durrell.

The show continues until the end of October.

Published: 17/09/2004