DRINKERS stuck for transport after a night on the ale can now get a lift home from mine host.

Peter Seed, landlord of The Woodman Inn, Gilesgate, Durham, has started his own private hire business.

Mr Seed, who has run the pub with his wife, Paula, for 16 months, said: "The idea started on New Year's Eve because we had a party and invited people from all over the place."

"Everybody was worried about getting home. I'm not a drinker so I said I would guarantee they got home because I had a big estate car.

"Between midnight and 4.30am I must have taken about 40 or 50 people.

"It started from there because one or two people said I should start a taxi business."

After getting the appropriate licences and buying a people carrier, Mr Seed launched Woodman Private Hire and the venture has proved popular.

"The pub makes a smashing waiting room," he said. "There are problems with parking in Durham and the bus service is rubbish after 11pm and all the taxis are busy at closing time.

Mr Seed is now getting non-pub bookings, such as runs to Newcastle Airport, and hopes to expand to a minibus for parties and trips to the races.