Teenagers who have known each other all their school lives will not be separated when they become university students.

Anthony Archer and Daniel Grimes have secured places on science courses at Oxford University after passing their A-level exams at Park View School, Chester-le-Street.

It was no coincidence that they will continue their education at the same university, however and they had back up plans if their respective Oxford applications proved unsuccessful.

Anthony's father, Gary, said although they will be studying different subjects, they worked out alternative courses each could sit, at London's Imperial College or at York University.

But the friends achieved the required A grades to take up their Oxford offers when the A-level results were published last month.

Mr Archer said: "It just happened they were in the same class from starting at Cestria Primary School, and then they both moved up together to Park View School.

"Even when they did their GCSEs they both decided to stay on at Park View to do their A-levels, and now they're both going on to Oxford.

"It's as if they're connected at the hip, but it will have its advantages in terms of travel costs for our two families when they go to and from Oxford.

"They will obviously make new friends, but they will always have each other to turn to down there."

Mr Archer said both were straightforward, uncomplicated, and hard-working lads, who hoped they could go on to do doctorates after graduation at Oxford.

The only thing to separate them is that Anthony is on a four-year physics course, while Daniel's biochemistry course is three years.