AMBULANCE bosses on Teesside have issued an urgent appeal for the return of scores of missing blankets.

Nursing and care homes are being asked to help alleviate the service's acute shortage of blankets - by returning ones that were used to wrap round patients.

Peter Summerfield, Tees-side assistant general manager, with the Tees East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, said: "When conveying patients from hospital to nursing and care homes, it is often necessary, owing to patient comfort or modesty, to leave the patient wrapped in one of our blankets."

Appealing directly to homes across Teesside, he said: "If any blankets have been left on your premises, please get in touch. With the approach of winter, they will be needed more than ever.''

"We will arrange to collect them," said Mr Summerfield.

People can contact the trust on (01642) 577804.