AN action group is calling for help from the public in getting Saltburn's Red River cleaned up.

A stream, which flows through Saltburn Gill Nature Reserve to Saltburn beach, is known locally as Red River because of iron ore leaking into it from a disused mine.

It was inspected over the summer by council and agency officials, and early indications suggest it may cost hundreds of thousands of pounds to clean up.

Saltburn, Marske and New Marske parish councillor Jim Wingham is calling for people wanting to help the Saltburn Gill Action Group to write to the Environment Agency.

"We want as many people as possible to write letters to the Environment Agency, as this may increase the financial support they can give us to help fund a pilot scheme to examine various possibilities and help us to find a solution," he said.

Letters should be addressed to Amanda Trevithick, Tees Area Environment Manager, The Environment Agency North-East Region, Coverdale House, Aviator Court, Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4UZ.

Anyone wanting to join the action group should contact Susan Preston at the parish council on (01287) 623477.