ACTIVITY sessions are being offered to people in Hartlepool.

Yogawise, aerobics and bodybar tone classes are to be held in the Borough Hall buildings over coming weeks.

The classes are being organised by Lorraine Harrison, the council's Headland health and fitness co-ordinator.

Two ten-week foundation Yogawise courses for people new to yoga are to be held in the main hall at the Borough Hall. They will begin on Wednesday, from 11.30am to 12.30pm, and on Thursday, September 30, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Bookings are being taken for the courses.

Aerobics classes, which are also to be held in the main hall, start on Tuesday, from 9.30am to 10.30am. There is no need to book.

The bodybar tone classes take place every Wednesday, from 6pm to 7pm, in the Croft Room. Booking is not required.

Each session costs £1.55 for Active Card holders, £1.75 for casual users and 85p for concessions.

Further information is available by contacting Ms Harrison on (01429) 861866.