CELEBRITIES and political heavyweights will join the by-election campaign in Hartlepool this weekend.

Former television chat show host Robert Kilroy-Silk will be in town tomorrow to lend his support to UK Independence Party candidate Stephen Allison.

Mr Kilroy-Silk, a newly elected Euro MP for UKIP, will hold a rally in the Town Hall Theatre, in Raby Road, from 5pm.

The leaders of the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives were due to arrive today as the campaign moves into its last fortnight.

Charles Kennedy will join LibDem candidate Jody Dunn at a comprehensive school's learning resource centre, where they will take part in a question and answer session with teenagers.

Tory leader Michael Howard was expected to go on a town centre walkabout with Jeremy Middleton and meet police.

Conservative Party co-chairman Liam Fox was in town yesterday to highlight Mr Middleton's five-point plan on crime and argue that an elected North-East assembly will do nothing to combat crime in Hartlepool.

Health Secretary John Reid is expected to make a speech on the regional assembly in Darlington, following a visit to Hartlepool to talk to health professionals and candidate Iain Wright about the future of the town's hospital.

Internationally renowned film director Ken Loach will back Respect candidate John Bloom during a visit to the town later this month.

Mr Loach, whose work includes the film Kes and television hit Cathy Come Home, will show short excerpts from two of his films and will talk about how his commitment to progressive ideas has influenced his career.

The event will be in Hartlepool Sixth Form College, in Brinkburn Road, on Tuesday, September 28, from 6.30pm.