THE owner of a post office regularly attacked by vandals and burglars says he may have to close the business for good.

David Whitehouse, who owns Eston post office in Eston High Street, said the cost of repairs and replacing stolen goods was becoming too much. The post office had been the target of young vandals and had suffered numerous break-ins during the past 12 months.

At the weekend there were three burglaries, including one between 5pm and 7.30am on Sunday night, when cash, cigarettes and ornaments were stolen.

Mr Whitehouse said insurance companies were now refusing to cover him and he had to pay to have the shop and the flats above boarded up.

Manager Janis Paylor said the problems had started three years ago when supermarket chain Aldi, which was due to redevelop the Eston precinct, asked for the flats above the post office to be vacated.

The supermarket had since pulled out of the deal, while Mr Whitehouse had suffered three years of torment at the hands of youths, aged 13 and upwards, who frequently set fire to the flats.

Ms Paylor said: "Most of the break-ins happen after 7pm when we've locked up for the evening. It's just constant.

"The gangs wait for us to leave then prise open the shutters, break down the windows that have been boarded up, and have even pulled out water pipes in the flats so we get flooded out in the shop below.

"We need more support from the police to stop these youths, who take pleasure in ruining someone's business."

PC Andrew Anderson, who has had talks with Mr Whitehouse, said: "We are looking at some improvements to the security system and we will be doing more high-profile checks on the area throughout the night."

Anyone with information about the incidents at the post office should call PC Anderson on 01642 301926.