MILE-long races for boys and girls are one of the highlights of a children's sports day.

But when the winners step up to receive their trophies from the mayor, they immediately have to hand them back - and there are no replicas.

The trophies are then returned to their home in the safe at Ripon Town Hall, emerging only for next year's event or for a viewing by the winners.

Now the Mayor of Ripon, Councillor Stuart Martin, wants to ensure that the winners at Ripon Children's Sports Day have something to show for their efforts.

"It seems a shame that when the children run their socks off to win the mile-long races, we have to tell them to hand the trophies back for safekeeping," said the mayor.

Coun Martin is arranging a meeting with organisers of the midsummer sports day at Camp Close to suggest a way of providing replica cups, certificates or medals for the winners.

"We will be discussing a range of options including sponsorship for them. We want to solve a long-term problem, not just for one year, because I believe the winners need some recognition so they can show their parents and friends," he said.