EMPLOYEES of a doomed Northallerton garage have spoken of their feelings of betrayal as the dealership prepares to close.

The D&S Times revealed last week that the Lookers Toyota garage in Darlington Road was to close at the end of the month to make room for a new Toyota dealership to be run by Yarm-based company RMB, leaving more than 20 taff facing unemployment.

One employee of the Lookers garage, who did not wish to be named, said it appeared that staff might not receive compensation for losing their jobs.

"My fellow workmates and I have been very let down by Lookers," he said. "We are now facing unemployment, without getting any redundancy money or even proper notice of termination of contract."

Employees have been advised that responsibility for their employment will be passed to RMB, who take over marketing for Toyota in the town. In a statement last week a spokesman for Lookers plc said: "When the business is taken over the responsibility for the staff will be passed on to the new owners."

But Robert Bennett, managing director of RMB, confirmed he would not be taking responsibility for staff from the Lookers garage.

"If we had bought the business or if we were taking over the next day I could understand how that might be the case," said Mr Bennett. "But no new garage has been built, and despite what staff at Lookers are being told, they know that we have nowhere for them to work."

Employees have also been told that Lookers are hoping to open a new franchise on the site in the near future. "If that is true, it just adds insult to injury," said one employee.

Peter Gordon, marketing director for Lookers plc, said he could not confirm that a new dealership would be opened, but said that directors were in discussions about the future of the existing staff.

He said: "Until these internal discussions have concluded and our staff have been informed of the outcome, it is inappropriate for Lookers plc to make further comment.

"However, Lookers value the staff's contribution and will endeavour to resolve the matter as quickly as possible."