CHALLENGES and issues affecting the red meat chain and the shape of the industry in five to ten years' time are the subject of a special conference in Harrogate next month.

The Northern Red Meat Conference 2004 takes place at The Pavilions, on the Great Yorkshire Showground, on Thursday, October 7, with input from farmers, bankers, processors and supermarkets.

Speakers will focus on identifying new opportunities, looking at how new markets can be developed through joint ventures, and how red meat supplies can be secured for the future.

Two speakers, Chris Brown from Asda and Jonathan Birnie from Dungannon Meat Group, will discuss the benefits of building partnerships and information sharing into red meat supply chains.

Henry Lewis from the Meat and Livestock Commission will outline the commercial export opportunities available in breeding stock, genetics and finished products.

Other speakers include leading executives from Harrison & Hetherington, English Beef and Lamb Executive, British Pig Executive, Red Meat Industry Forum, National Farmers' Union, National Beef Association, National Sheep Association, Association of Independent Meat Suppliers, HSBC, National Pig Association and leading business economist San Rickard.

Tickets are £15 each. Further details are available from the Yorkshire Agricultural Society on 01423 541000.