ONE of the region's military regiments has remembered its part in the Crimean War.

The Green Howards marked the 150th anniversary of the Battle of the Alma at the regiment's headquarters in Richmond, North Yorkshire, yesterday.

Roger Chapman, curator of the Green Howards museum, and a soldier wearing an 1854 uniform laid a wreath of laurels on one of the Russian drums captured at the battle.

Major Chapman said: "The Battle of the Alma is the Green Howards' first battle honour.

"This 150th anniversary reminds us of our heritage as one of only two English regiments never to have been amalgamated.

"We are proud to be able to remember our long and proud tradition of service."

Soldiers from the 1st Battalion of the Green Howards will hold a remembrance ceremony in Afghanistan, where they are currently on duty.

Maj Chapman has recently published a book on the Crimean War.

Echoes from the Crimea is based on witness accounts of ten Green Howards who experienced the war, including a lieutenant colonel, two private soldiers and a soldier's wife who accompanied her husband to the front line.