AN inspirational sports coach who has transformed the lives of many of his pupils has been named Teacher of the Year at a surprise awards ceremony.

Karl Wharton was presented with the award at Deerness Leisure Centre, at Ushaw Moor, in Durham City, this week for his energetic and innovative approach to teaching acro-gymnastics - a combination of acrobatics and gymnastics.

Over the years, Mr Wharton has been inspirational in setting up a centre of excellence in the graceful sport at Deerness Valley Comprehensive School, which draws its pupils from the former pit villages surrounding Durham City.

So impressive was his coaching that Mr Wharton has been appointed coach to the Great Britain Acro-Gymnastics squad and more than half of the recent 24-strong team were made up of members of his club.

He has even struck what is thought to be a unique agreement with teaching staff at the school.

They have agreed that his promising gymnasts can start lessons at 10am, having started training as early as 6.30am, and then catch up with curriculum online.

Headteacher Anne Lakey said: "He has tremendous talent and genuinely delights in the students' success.

"He is an excellent role model for young people and has saved many young people who would have been at risk of exclusion."