A ROCK star joined protestors outside a military base at the forefront of the US's so-called Son of Star Wars missile defence programme.

Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke was one of 250 people who marched on RAF Fylingdales early warning base near Whitby on Saturday.

The rally was organised by CND ahead of the expected announcement by US President George Bush that the first phase of the project is up and running.

Neil Kingsworth, of Yorkshire CND, said many protestors attended because the singer had called for a challenge to US policy.

Mr Kingsworth said: "This action is taking place at a crucial moment at the key Star Wars site in the UK. Bush's plans to announce the start of Star Wars this autumn brings the threats of nuclear proliferation on Earth and a space weapons race in space closer to reality.

"If we allow the UK to keep supporting Star Wars then this country will become complicit in the development and deployment of space weapons, a whole new type of battlefield, and the creation of a system for nothing more than control and dominance."

Mike Winstanley, a member of the Darlington for Peace campaign group, said Fylingdales would guide US missiles, adding: "Not only is this wholly undesirable, it's also an extremely expensive operation that the British taxpayer will be footing part of the bill for."

The demonstration was held on the first day of the international Keep Space for Peace week.

Among the crowd, which also included the chair of CND Kate Hudson, were protestors who had travelled from Japan for the rally.

Police said the event was peaceful and no arrests were made.