A TOURING play that started in the North-East has been postponed after an actress broke her leg on stage.

Jane Hartley was performing in Richard III at Darlington Arts Centre.

Just before the end of the evening performance, she fell over and fractured her femur.

Kaos Theatre Company's producer Jo Carr said: "She walked on to the stage and fell awkwardly. She landed on her hip on a hard concrete floor. We don't know how it happened and she cannot remember.

"It was an unfortunate accident. We are devastated because she created seven roles for the show.

"It was a massive disappointment for her not to be able to come on the tour. We will all miss her."

The accident meant the following day's matinee performance at the arts centre last Thursday was cancelled.

Another actress is preparing for the roles, but shows in Buxton, Kendal, Leicester and Lincoln have had to be postponed.

The company is returning to Darlington to carry on rehearsing.

Ms Carr said: "The show will go on as soon as we have trained someone for the part.

"We don't know how long it will take because we have never had to train someone new before.

"Jane will be back with us in the spring."

Published: 27/09/2004