A couple celebrated 60 years of marriage this weekend with a small party for close family and friends.

Connie and Bobby Todd, from High Road, Stanley Crook, were married in St Catherine's Church, Crook, on September 23, 1944.

Mr Todd, 91,who worked as a miner for most of his working life, spotted his future wife in Crook market place during shows staged there in the Second World War and they have been together ever since.

The couple have two daughters, Anne and Violet, and one son, Thomas.

They also have eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Pigeon fancier Mr Todd flew pigeons for most of his life, only giving up his hobby when he could no longer look after his birds.

He and Mrs Todd, 82, enjoyed the social life that came with his hobby, attending many suppers throughout the years.

Mr Todd said: "I have quite a few trophies and have won all of the races at some point over the years."

Mrs Todd added: "We used to have pigeon suppers and we used to really enjoy those. We had some good times."

They are both thrilled with flowers, cards and good wishes that have been sent by family and friends, including a bouquet from The Coal Board and one from Wear Valley District Council.''

Mr Todd said: "I just want to thank everyone, including the Coal Board and the council. Everybody has been so kind."

The couple enjoyed a quiet get together at home with family and friends on Saturday to celebrate.