SHEEP farmer Richard Hird celebrated a hat-trick of wins after one of his home-bred ewes was voted supreme champion by judges at the fourth Langdon Beck Show in Upper Teesdale at the weekend.

Mr Hird, who farms at Hunderthwaite, Romaldkirk, added the trophies to those he has won this year at sheep shows in Eastgate, in Weardale, and Bowes, County Durham.

After his Swaledale ewe picked up two cups for best female and open champion at Langdon Beck, it went on to win the Brian Bainbridge Cup for overall champion and a cheque for £250 from show patron Lord Barnard.

Mr Hird was particularly pleased to emerge as champion from 26 farmers who showed 135 sheep - the highest number to enter the Forest-in-Teesdale show since it was revived four years ago after an absence of 100 years.

Show chairman Neville Bainbridge said: "Everbody who has helped to make this show into what it is today deserves a great vote of thanks.

"What is refreshing this year is the number of new entries we have had. It proves that Langdon Beck is now firmly back on the calendar as one of the North's leading sheep shows."

Entries for this year's show came from as far afield as Carlisle and Richmond.

A new trophy for the best photograph of a Swaledale sheep or Upper Teesdale scene was introduced to the show.

The competition attracted around 50 entries and was won by show secretary Martin Hill, with a photograph of the landscape in winter "outside his front door" at Rough Rigg, Harwood.

Langdon Show Trophy Winners

Cockram Cup, open aged tup: JC White, Lunedale.

Mark Armitage Cup, open ewe: R Hird, Romaldkirk.

Middleton Football Club Cup: M Watson, Harwood.

Harris Cup, open gimmer shearling: G Hutton, Threlkeld.

CW Brazenall Tankard, open tup lamb: JR Dalton, Wearhead.

BT Local Business Cup, open gimmer lamb: F Allinson and Son, Baldersdale.

Jack Bainbridge Cup, pair of gimmer lambs: RM Dixon, Richmond.

Roland Maddison Trophy, open pair gimmer lambs: F Allinson and Son, Baldersdale.

Middleton Forge Cup, open pair male and female: R Hutchinson and Son, Bowes.

Farmers Finance Tankard, local aged tup: M Watson, Harwood.

McDougal Brothers Tankard, local ewe: A and J Harrison, Ettersgill.

David Featherstone Cup, local tup shearling: ME and CM Bell, Forest-in-Teesdale.

Rough Rigg Cup, local gimmer shearling: A and J Harrison, Ettersgill.

J Tully and Sons Cup, local tup lamb: A and J Harrison, Ettersgill.

RI Scott and Sons Cup, local gimmer lamb: AM Walton, Newbiggin.

High Force Centre Cup, local pair of gimmer lambs: AM Walton, Newbiggin.

Trevor Hutchinson Hay Shield: JA Robinson, Middleton.

Beck Head Trophy, most points in open classes: RM Dixon, Richmond.

Western Hope Rose Bowl, most points in local classes: AM Walton, Newbiggin.

Young Handler Shield: M Allinson, Baldersdale.

Middleton Auction Mart Cup, local male champion: ME and CM Bell, Forest-in-Teesdale.

Middle Auction Mart Cup, local champion female: A and J Harrison, Ettersgill.

Langdon Beck Local Champion Cup: A and J Harrison, Ettersgill.

Peter Oughtred Birkdale Plate, open male champion: JR Dalton, Wearhead.

Adrian Bell Lovestock Scanning Cup, open female champion: R Hird, Romaldkirk.

Penrith Farmers and Kidds Cup, open champion sheep: R Hird, Romaldkirk.

Brian Bainbridge Perpetual Cup, supreme champion: R Hird, Romaldkirk.

Robert Oliver Cup, best flower exhibit: J Grey, Middleton.

Kelly Pattinson Cup, best local flower: D Dargue, Ettersgill.

Hudgate Farm Trophy, best vegetable exhibit: D Dargue, Ettersgill.

Bob Raine Cup, best photograph: M Hill, Harwood.