LEEK-GROWING couple Billy and Sheila Wilthew grabbed the first two places at their village show at the weekend.

The former cement worker and his wife have dominated the placings for years at the annual show at Frosterley, in Weardale.

This time it was Sheila, with a pair of leeks measuring 175 cubic inches, who took first place. Billy was second, with leeks at 170 cubic inches. Third was Paul Nelson, also of Frosterley, with 158.2 cubic inches.

Other results were: Best flowers, Steve Hodgson, Fir Tree; best vegetables, Brian Young, Stanhope; best produce, Linda Nelson, Frosterley.

At neighbouring Wolsingham, Keith Hepple, of Stanhope, came out on top at the working men's club show with a monster pair of leeks, measuring 219.15 cubic inches. Second was John Percival, of Wolsingham, 166 cubic inches, and third Keith Richardson, also of Wolsingham, 176.55 cubic inches.

Other results: Intermediate - 1 Joan Greasley, Wolsingham, 94.75 cubic inches; 2 Billy Walker, Wolsingham, 94.75 cubic inches; 3 Keith Hepple, 103.9 cubic inches. Long - David Thompson, Stanhope, 193 cubic inches.