A NEW publication featuring the life and teachings of St Cuthbert is proving a best-seller in a cathedral bookshop.

The book, by Anglican nun Sister Helen Julian, has sold more than 80 copies since it was published last week.

Called The Lindisfarne Icon: St Cuthbert The 21st Century Christian, the book is on sale in the SPCK bookshop in Durham Cathedral.

The publication date of the book was brought forward to coincide with the 900th anniversary of the translation of the relics of St Cuthbert to Durham Cathedral.

Carole Burrows, the manager of the SPCK, said that people from all over the world came to the cathedral to visit the World Heritage site and view the resting place of St Cuthbert.

She said: "There is a great interest in St Cuthbert, so we are not surprised that we have sold as many copies of this book as we have."

Launching the book at the cathedral on Wednesday, Sister Julian, who belongs to the Society of Saint Francis, travelled to the cathedral from her Edinburgh home.

Although born in Scotland, Sister Julian has strong connections with Durham as her mother, writer Anne English, comes from the city.

Mrs English, whose book, Discovering Durham City, was also a bestseller, attended the launch.

The Lindisfarne Icon: St Cuthbert The 21st Century Christian, published by the Bible Reading Fellowship, is priced £6.99.