PENSIONERS in Hartlepool can have a safety check on their electric blanket before the cold weather sets in.

The council's trading standards team will carry out inspections at Hartlepool Civic Centre, in Victoria Road, on Thursday, 21 October, and Friday, 22 October.

The sessions - promoted under the slogan Is Your Electric Blanket Ready For Retirement? - are designed to identify old and faulty blankets that could put their owners at risk of a fire or electrocution.

Trading standards bosses estimate faulty blankets are responsible for more than 5,000 fires around the country each year.

Michael Welsh, principal trading standards officer, said: "We have tested hundreds of electric blankets over the years and each year about half fail the test, which is very worrying indeed.

"We have found some dangerous blankets, with everything from worn fabric exposing the heating cables, to damaged flexes and heating elements, and faulty plugs.

"I'm sure there are still many old electric blankets out there being used every night which should be replaced."

The checks, which are funded by Hartlepool Health Action Zone, are usually very busy, so the council recommends people make and appointment.

To book a safety check call the trading standards team on (01429) 523362 or call the main reception at the Civic Centre during office hours.