ABOUT 2,000 pupils found out more about education, training and career opportunities available to them in the Tees Valley.

The children had the chance to try a number of activities on the first day of the Skills Village event, held at Redcar Bowl and Leisure Centre.

Activities included controlling a helicopter, learning the didgeridoo and calming a virtual baby.

Redcar MP Vera Baird, who attended the event, held on Friday and Saturday, said: "The future prosperity of Teesside depends on the decisions that people visiting this Skills Village event will be making so it is vital they are given the information they need to choose the best training programme that will equip them with the skills needed to be successful in their chosen career.

"I am confident that in Redcar and Cleveland we have many excellent training providers who have come here to demonstrate how they meet the needs of our community."

Lisa Watson, from Routes to Employment, was delighted at the response to this year's Skills Village. She said: "Through joining forces with Jobcentre Plus and Connexions Tees Valley, we have made this year's Skills Village even bigger and better with a wider variety of opportunities."

Skills Village is developed by Routes to Employment, a Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council initiative, in association with the Redcar and Cleveland Partnership.