A DARLINGTON pub has reached the finals of a national award event, designed to recognise the industry's top performers.

The Springfield, in Salter's Lane South, has beaten off competition from across the country to be shortlisted for the Pathfinder Pubs' Retail Awards 2004.

Managers Ray and Leslie Swailes are nominated for the Top Newcomer Award.

Mr Swailes said: "We're absolutely delighted to have done so well.

"It's great to know that all of our hard work has been recognised. We can't wait to find out the results."

They will join fellow finalists at a presentation ceremony at The Botanical Gardens in Edgbaston, Birmingham, on October 12. There are ten categories, and prizes include cheques for £1,000, as well as a dream holiday to Florida. All winning pubs will receive £250 for a staff day out.

Derek Andrew, managing director of Pathfinder Pubs, the managed house arm of The Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries, said: "When I visit our pubs, I am always impressed by the commitment and enthusiasm that I see and feel that it's important that we reward those who exhibit such passion.

"These awards are all about celebrating what's great about our business."