THE 1940s returned at the weekend as local history enthusiasts launched their latest book.

People dressed in military and civilian costumes of the era as Wheatley Hill Local History Club held a 1940s Day in the village working men's club.

Members launched the club's second book on the history of Wheatley Hill, Thornley and Ludworth and their pits.

The book, called The Weardale Coal Company, covers the period 1886 to 1913 but was to have traced the story of the firm up to nationalisation in 1947.

But the group found there was too much information to fit into one volume and decided to write a third volume covering that period.

Club chairman Margaret Hedley said the day was a great success, attracting about 250 people.

"We had people dressed as the Land Army and there was a group from Sunderland with military vehicles and costumes," she said.

"They made the day by wandering around the exhibition in costume.

"Some were in American military uniforms, some in British and we had one in German uniform. We also had an American civilian in the dress of the time.

"The book got off to a really good start and we sold about 100 copies."

The book costs £10 and is available at Wheatley Heritage Centre.

Copies can also be ordered by sending a cheque for £12.50 to Mrs Hedley at Broadmeadows, Durham Road, Wheatley Hill.