MEETINGS to tell council tenants about the possible transfer of their homes to another landlord have been met with apathy.

Durham City Council is the latest authority to follow Government orders and hold a stock option appraisal.

It could lead to its 6,800 houses, flats and bungalows being transferred to a housing association, being controlled by a not-for-profit management company, improved under a Private Finance Initiative, or staying with the council - depending on how tenants vote in a ballot likely to be held next spring.

In many areas, including the North-East, tenants have voted for an arm's-length management company, although in Sunderland the entire housing stock is controlled by a private firm.

The council is urging tenants and people on its waiting list to attend consultation meetings to find out about the options they will have to chose from.

But, so far, few people have turned up at many of the events.

Councillor Dennis Southwell, cabinet member for housing, said: "We are not getting people at the meetings.

"At West Rainton, we had just two and one of them was from East Rainton. We had a meeting in the town hall and it wasn't into double figures.

"At the end of the day, what happens will be up to the tenants and I want their participation but at this time we are not getting it.

"I'm disappointed at the response in the early stages. I want people to come along and listen to the presentations."

An independent advisor offers impartial information and advice to tenants at the meetings.

Coun Southwell said he was proud of the council's housing stock and workforce but had no favour for one side or the other in the debate.

The meetings will be held:

* Today, 10am to noon, Beaurepaire Communal Hall, Beaurepaire Bearpark, 2pm to 4pm, Woodbine House, Woodbine Road, Pity Me, 5pm to 7pm, Fyndoune House, Fyndoune Way, Witton Gilbert.

* Thursday, 3pm to 7pm, Flambard Road Communal Hall, Flambard Road, Framwellgate Moor.

*l Monday, October 4, 10am to noon, Deerness Leisure Centre, Ushaw Moor, 2pm to 4pm, Rowley Close Communal Hall, Rowley Close, New Brancepeth, 5pm to 7pm, Woodland Hall Communal Hall, Woodland Road, Esh Winning.

l Wednesday October 6, 3pm to 7pm, Brandon Community Centre, Brandon.

Information is also available by ringing 0191-301 8220 or 0800 243082.