NORTH-EAST scouts enjoyed a fun time at an annual camp that has almost grown to its limits.

A record 973 scouts, guides and their leaders spent from Friday night to yesterday at the 35th Camp Confido at Moor House, Rainton Gate, near Durham City.

Youngsters aged between ten-and-a half and 18 and from Blyth, Northumberland, to Barnard Castle, in County Durham, converged on the County Durham Scouting Association's activity centre for the weekend.

The centrepiece was a Monster Glo party, on the site's main stage in a marquee on Saturday night, which featured horror-themed entertainment including dancing and karaoke.

Durham's Assistant County Commissioner for Scouts, Jonathan Chicken, said: "It has been absolutely brilliant. We have had an excellent, busy time.

"This weekend is traditionally very wet and the ground is muddy but this year there has been dust coming off the ground.

"The camp has been growing for the last four years and we have reached almost our peak on site.

"We had 780 youngsters and adults last year and this year it has been 973, which is an increase of almost 200.

"People are coming back every year because Confido has built into something that people cannot afford to miss.

"The team is looking to expand it but at the moment we are struggling.''

The fun also included canoeing, climbing, crate-stacking, abseiling, karting, quad bike trails and woodturning.

Mr Chicken said the event showed scouting was healthy in a modern world and having an impact on young people.