NEALE Cooper accused Antony Sweeney of lacking maturity after seeing his midfielder sent off on Saturday.

The 21-year-old, a regular in the Pool side since forcing his way into the first team picture in April, was sent-off after twice clashing with MK Dons' forward Iszale McLeod in as many second half minutes.

Both were red carded as tempers frayed and Cooper fumed: "It was stupid. Their lad is going off anyway and then Sweens reacts. OK, he didn't headbutt him, but you cannot clash heads like that and expect to get away with it.

"The fourth offical saw heads going together and if heads touch, the rule is you have to go.

"It was a nothing incident and the pair were like two kiddies fighting over sweets in a sweetie shop.

"Now we've got a three-game ban to contend with and their lad will only get one game. The pair were as bad as each other.

"Sweens will be fined by the club and he has to learn from it.''

Sweeney's first game back in the first team last season was at Brighton, when referee Joe Ross failed to send off Brighton keeper Ben Roberts as he tripped Adam Boyd inside the penalty area.

And the London blower was again the centre of attention at the National Hockey Stadium as he lost control during the second period.

His first game in the Football League was at Gay Meadow when he refereed Pool's trip to Shrewsbury and red-carded two home players.

Sweeney is Pool's first League dismissal since Micky Barron saw red at Bournemouth on October 13, 2002.

He will miss tomorrow's LDV Vans Trophy game with Hull, Saturday's League One visit of the Tigers and the trip to leaders Luton a week on Friday.

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