A DIOCESE with churches in North and West Yorkshire has agreed a balanced budget for the first time in years.

The Diocese of Ripon and Leeds has published a leaflet revealing the financial turnaround.

Although the surplus is only £10,000, it has been achieved by what the diocese says is sound financial management.

It means the church, which provides for 133 clergy at an average cost of £33,800 each, can move towards employing its full quota of clerics, implement national increases for clergy and reduce the amount parishes continue to pay towards running the church's administration.

A message from the diocese said: "This is good news. But we cannot rest on our laurels.

"This small surplus assumes a 97.5 per cent parish share collection.

"If we could achieve the magic figure of 100 per cent, it would provie an additional £115,000 to rebuild reserves and to spend on ministry."

In addition to its work in parishes, the diocese supports church schools and communities.

During the past financial year, parishes gave £4,309,000 to the diocese as part of a total income of £5,716,000.

In the coming year, the increase in parish share will be 5.5 per cent (six per cent last year). And there will be extra support of £170,000 from church commissioners towards ministry costs. But contributions to the national church increased by £48,000.

During the past financial year, the diocese ran up a deficit of £225,000.