A PIONEERING text helpline for young people will be launched at the weekend.

The Chester-le-Street branch of the charity Mind is launching the service in the district on World Mental Health Day on Sunday, following a survey in local comprehensive schools.

The service, which is believed to be the first text helpline aimed at the mental health needs of young people, will provide a means for anyone using the service to get the information, advice or support they need, both confidentially and anonymously.

This ranges from help for anyone who is suicidal to victims of bullying, people with debt problems, or anyone suffering from drug or alcohol abuse.

Mind manager Helen McCaughey said: "We have been actively seeking funding for this project since completing the survey in 2002.

"Our successful Lottery application and continued support from the government's Single Regeneration Programme has made this helpline possible.

"If we can prevent just one person from believing suicide is the only option it will have been worth all the hard work."

Ms McCaughey said the computer programme had been specially devised for Mind by the company Siteon Ltd.

She said: "When anyone sends us a message, it will automatically send a reply saying we will get back to them.

"Every morning staff will download the messages on computer and reply by e-mail which goes directly to their mobile."

The initial message back will give the number for the Samaritans if more urgent help is required.

The service will be manned by a youth worker, two counsellors and four volunteers, as part of their duties with Mind.

Ms McCaughey said the service had secured funding to August 2006. To ensure it continues, a further bid will be formulated after the level of use is gauged in the next six months.

Anyone aged between 13 and 25 living or working in the Chester-le-Street area who needs information, advice or support to can text: yp(space)help(space) followed by the message to 60003.

Any organisation which would like to set up a similar helpline can contact Ms McCaughey on 0191-388 3411.