YOUNG bookworms and their parents have enjoyed a party aimed at promoting the benefits of reading.

More than 20 pre-school children from Catchgate Nursery, near Stanley, County Durham, and their parents took part in Bookstart, in Annfield Plain library. They tucked into party food and were read stories.

The event was part of Bookstart Week, which aimed to encourage parents across County Durham to share books with children from an early age.

Patricia Brown, assistant youth services manager with Durham Learning Resources, said: "Many parents do not realise we stock books especially for babies and this is a great way of increasing awareness of this fact.

"Sharing books helps build language skills, gives confidence and nurtures a long-lasting enjoyment of books. Children also benefit from Bookstart by gaining a head start with their reading in preparation for school.

"All our staff are enthusiastic about the Bookstart scheme and will be working hard to ensure there is a fun atmosphere when they hold the events in their libraries."