AN MP has backed a community's campaign to restore a vital bus service.

Villagers of Tanfield, near Stanley, say they were left stranded when Go North East cancelled their only direct route to Newcastle two months ago.

North Durham MP Kevan Jones, who was handed a 210-signature petition by villagers at the weekend, said: "Residents are angered because Go North East have done this without any consultation.

"What residents in Tanfield have highlighted is a problem which exists in rural communities across the district.

"Bus services are just not good enough. They are either not running or unreliable.

"I am asking for the company to come to a public meeting in Tanfield to explain their decision.

"And I plan to meet the county council to see what we can do to improve bus services. We need to look for imaginative solutions."

Residents say that instead of a direct route, they have an hourly service to Stanley to meet connecting buses, which turns up late, early or not at all.

Robin Waugh, who drew up the petition, said: "As a consequence, many people are suffering a huge inconvenience.

"The elderly, who do not have the will to take their cars into Newcastle, even if they still have them, face standing in freezing temperatures in the winter.

"Then there is the employment issue. One resident got a job in Team Valley, but the firm had to withdraw their offer when they were told she had to rely on public transport, because of its unreliability."

Mr Waugh said that a 17-year-old student who attended a dance academy in Newcastle had to get a lift from her parents but they left at 7am meaning a long wait on the roadside before classes.

And Colin Craggs, who cannot drive because of an arm problem, has had to rely on his 75-year-old father to take him to medical appointments.

The bus company said the revision of services in Gateshead and Derwentside included increased frequencies and better links for the majority of users.