PEOPLE have protested after a council stopped them from trimming trees they say make their homes dark and dingy.

The Fir Lodge management company notified Hambleton District Council in July of its intention to lop the branches of seven beech trees overhanging Fir Lodge land that lies in Northallerton's conservation area in South Parade.

The council responded by imposing preservation orders on the trees, preventing the company from doing anything without first informing the council.

Four objections have been received from members of the company. They say the trees block light, debris from them clogs the guttering, the branches may damage the building and the fallen leaves make the ground slippery.

The council commissioned a tree survey which found that the number of trees should be reduced to four and the crowns lifted to five metres above ground level.

Steve Quartermain, director of planning and environmental services, said the trees had a significant impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area.

They would be improved and probably cause less concern to Fir Lodge residents if the works to them were carried out in accordance with the arboriculturalist consultant's report, he said.

The council's development control committee will consider the issue on Thursday.