VILLAGERS have proved they have true community spirit after winning the title of Durham Village of the Year.

Sedgefield has won the prestigious title after judges ruled it had a pro-active, caring community, which has made the best of local opportunities to maintain and enhance the quality of life for all residents.

The village will now go on represent the region in the Calor Village of the Year.

It is the first time the competition has been organised by Durham Rural Community Council with sponsorship by Calor.

Organiser Sara-Jane Stobbs said that it had had a good response. She said: "The Village of the Year competition is a great way of encouraging communities to evaluate what they've got going on which means they can identify areas for improvement.

"It is about making the best of what they've got for the benefit of all residents from the youngest members of the community to the oldest.

"Whilst this is a new event I am certain that the county's villages will be keen to show us what great places they are to live in the years to come and I feel that the competition can only go from strength to strength in the future.''