A WORKINGMEN'S club became the frontline in defence against flu when practice nurses gave free jabs yesterday.

Nurses from the Sacriston Surgery and Durham and Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust were at the Sacriston Workingmen's Club to give flu jabs to people aged 65 and over and those considered to be at risk.

Nicky Pratt, flu co-ordinator for the Durham and Chester-le-Street trust, said she wanted to encourage older people to get the jab and avoid becoming ill this winter.

She said: "Older people who catch flu often experience more severe problems from the illness.

"Having the flu jab every year is the best way to reduce your chances of catching it.

"You should have a flu jab if you are 65 or older, or if you have chronic heart or chest problems, kidney disease, diabetes or problems with your immune system."