A YOUNG tearaway who targeted shops and residents and moving cars with his football has been given the red card.

Durham magistrates issued an anti social behaviour order on Monday, banning 15-year-old Dean Bell from possessing a football within a prescribed area for two years following a string of complaints about his conduct.

The court was told that between March and September Bell had frequently kicked footballs in Pelton, near Chester-le-Street, placing at risk the safety of car drivers and other road users and causing damage.

PC Dave Barrass said: "Dean kicked footballs in the street with total disregard for traffic and property.

"It was not uncommon to see him in the middle of the main road with traffic backed up in both directions while he kicked the ball 30 to 40 ft up in the air.

"He also used to use the bus stop as a goalpost.

"At one point I had 12 footballs which had been confiscated from him in barely two weeks. It was endless." Bell's footballing antics came on top of a litany of intimidatory conduct against staff and customers at the Pelton Co-op, following one member of staff to her home address on a number of occasions.

Bell, who had been excluded from Roseberry Sports and Community college, harassed a member of staff there, repeatedly subjecting him to threats and abuse.

PC Barrass told the court the final straw came when he threw an item at the teacher's car.

Bell, of Hylton Terrace, Pelton, accepted the order, which also prohibits him from going within 100 yards from community college, damaging property, congregating outside a list of takeaway premises, or inciting others to commit these acts.

PC Barrass said: "Asbos do work. Ever since getting the summons to appear in court Dean's behaviour has improved."