THE prison sentence of a career criminal has been reduced after judges heard the thief had made efforts to change his ways.

Jonathan Lane, 29, of Welbourne Close, York, was jailed for five years after being convicted of two burglaries at York Crown Court in April.

But judges at London's Court of Appeal cut his sentence to four years on Friday - despite a lengthy list of previous convictions.

Lane was spotted by a neighbour on New Year's Eve trying to open the front gate of a house in York. He was then seen attempting to open a patio door. Police were called but the burglar managed to escape after a fight.

In March, a policewoman saw him climbing over the rear wall of a York property.

He told the officer he would surrender but then ran off. However, he was arrested after a chase.

When interviewed, Lane said he was acting as a lookout for accomplices who were inside, burgling the house.

Reducing the sentence, Mrs Justice Hallett said she gave the offender credit for undertaking a pre-degree course in prison. She said: "We have concluded that in this case the appropriate sentence would be one of four years."

Lawyers acting for Lane argued the term was too long because both burglaries were committed in the daytime when the houses were empty.