While quality of life for most people in North Yorkshire is described as very high, it's not all a bed of roses, says a new report.

While the county boasts low unemployment, a generally healthy population, low levels of crime and high standards in schools, the report from North Yorkshire Strategic Partnership says employment in rural areas is often low-paid and seasonal while housing costs are inflated by competition from commuters and second home owners.

"There are large areas of the county where, if people don't have private transport, they can have great difficulty in getting to work or getting services they need," says the report.

While people's health compares well with other areas, there are marked differences across the county. In Scarborough, the teenage conception rate is 25 per cent higher than elsewhere in North Yorkshire. The resort also has very high death rates from coronary heart disease in under-75s, along with Selby. Death rates from accidents in Richmondshire are especially high.

The partnership has produced a blueprint for the county and is now consulting residents.

Bill Cross, head of corporate policy at County Hall, Northallerton, says the partnership's targets include:

* Securing a sound economy;

* Opportunities for everyone to develop full potential;

* Help for those in need;

* Socially-inclusive, safe and sustainable communities;

* Care for heritage, landscape and environment;

* Integrated and safe transport;

* Plan for emergenies and cope with their aftermath.